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Tale of Tails
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if evolution had taken a different turn and we still had our tails? What would we wear? Would tails be taboo? What would our tails say about us?
Enter with me, if you will, a fantasy world where humans have tails, and relive the glorious time of Henry VIII where tails were highly adorned; find out why politicians usually have small tails; and discover what Michelangelo might have done with his tail in the Sistine Chapel...
First broadcast on ABC RN Radiotonic on 17th June, 2016.
For more Radiotonic shows click here: www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/radiotonic/
Thanks to Leo Oosterweghel, writers Henry Hitchings and Angela Murrils, and improv actors Eoghan McLaughlin and Sharon Mannion.
And a BIG thank you to the boys and girls of 3rd and 4th classes of Scoil Bhríde, Ballyboy, Co. Offaly, Ireland.